Pranic Facial

Pranic Facial

Experience pure natural healing with Pranic Facial, a new revolutionary pranic approach to natural beauty. The facial can be customised to you, and address any skin concerns, from acne, eczema, rosacea, psoriasis to lines, wrinkles, blemishes, pigmentation, making you look and feel better. Pranic Face Lift is a no-touch energy technique which uses the principles of Pranic Healing founded by Master Choa Cok Sui to eliminate and cleanse worry expression lines right off your face and rebalance your body energy level. Pranic Face Lift facial improves not only your face, but your overall quality of life. Pranic Face Lift removes stress-related energies that are embedded into the skin tissue its restore the natural glow and radiance During the session, your skin will be cleansed, moisturized, tone and re-generate by applying energy techniques with the use of a laser crystal. The treatment is carried out by Cinzia, a proficient advanced pranic healer with many years of experience in skincare and healing practice.
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