Lipo Light Inch & Weight Loss

Lipo Light Inch & Weight Loss

Lipo-Light is the natural and healthy way to inch loss on the waist, hips, thighs, upper legs and even the arms, using the latest LED Light Therapy.. The whole treatment is non-invasive, relaxing, pain free and soothing. Each Lipo-Light session last for 30 minutes and can deliver effective and immediate results in just one treatment, which can be extended in specific areas of the body you wish to target, depending on your needs. With regular treatments you can expect to lose in the region of 2 to 6 cm and sustained results take place when continued LED Light Therapy is used in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise regime.

Lipo Light Fat Reduction treatment combined with exercise, promise health benefits, enhance blood circulation, and trigger a proportional increase in the levels of serotonin hormone secretions greatly contributing to an improved overall physical and mental wellness.

Whilst a single treatment of 30 minute or 1 hour will deliver immediate results it is recommended a course of 10 or 15 treatments combined with a healthy eating program and light exercise, to benefit from long term, sustained results.
Treatment Time: 30 Minutes

Regular Price: £70.00

Special Price £45.00

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