woman relaxing - stone massage therapy

How Does Stone Massage Therapy Ease Tension?

There are many different kinds of massage therapy available, each of which can help to ease pain, boost the renewal of soft tissue that may be damaged, relieve muscle tensions and help people to relax in a way that is often so desperately needed.

One of the most intriguing and most tranquil of these is stone massage therapy, where warm stones are placed along specific parts of the body that are typically seen as conduits for tension, alongside gentle massaging strokes and techniques.

There are several ways in which stone massage therapy is done, which will depend on the therapist, the type of treatment and the needs of the person.

Typically, the hot stones made of basalt are placed along the line of the spine, on the stomach, the chest, gently on the face, on each of the palms and on the feet, sometimes with smaller stones placed between the toes.

In some cases, therapists massage with the stones in their hands, inducing deeper muscle tension relief without digging into the skin, helping to relieve without the intensity that can come from some types of massage.

The types of motions are similar to those used without stones, such as vibration, kneading, tabbing, long strokes and circular feelings.

Sometimes, this is paired with cold stones as well to soothe the hot skin and reduce the swelling around blood vessels, using a form of hot-cold therapy to help relieve pain and soothe injuries.

Traditionally, heat increases blood flow, which helps to encourage the recovery of tissues, improve range of motion and increase flexibility. This is why people tend to be able to stretch more after warming up.

Similarly, cold therapy relieves inflammation and reduces swelling, but also reduces blood flow. Both are useful for relieving pain, but only together do they help manage pain and relieve suffering.



